The warm up is common to all levels of programmes and prepares the body and mind for the exercises ahead.
Te Reo Māori – Māori Language
kia rite = be ready
kia rite mai tātou = be ready all of us
tukua = to release
whakawātea = to clear
tū tane = stand male
tū wahine = stand female
no reira = therefore
timata = start
timata mai tātou = start all of us together
poi = a light ball on a string of varying length which is swung or twirled.
kei te pai tērā = that’s all good
kia kaha = be strong
kia kaha tātou = let us be strong
tahi = one
rua = two
toru = three
whā = four
rima = five
ono = six
whitu = seven
waru = eight
iwa = nine
tekau = ten