Fitness of the Gods – Rongomatāne
RONGOMATĀNE is the Māori God of Cultivation and Peace. The Māori Movement we focus on throughout this Atua (god) is the Wakatō Kūmara (endurance movement). Whakatō Kūmara is the action of planting kūmara or sweet potatoe.

Warm up
The warm up is common to all levels of programmes and prepares the body and mind for the exercises ahead.
Level 1
In Level 1 we focus on the legs with a movement called waewae ruru mirroring the owl (the morepork – Ninox novaeseelandiae).

level 2
In Level 2 we focus on the legs with a movement called ahuahu taki which is enticing the earth into a mound.

level 3
In Level 3 we focus on the legs with a movement called pirare nuku which is a flickering bird movement.

level 3 advanced
In Level 3 ADVANCED we combine the movements from all 3 levels – the focus is on the legs with a combination of movements.